Is Sociobiology Really A Big Set Of ‘Just So Stories’?

“Today’s biologists tend to be cautious about labelling any trait an evolutionary adaptation – that is, one that spread through a population because it provided a reproductive advantage. … When it comes to studying ourselves, though, such admonitions are hard to heed. So strong is the temptation to explain our minds by evolutionary ‘Just So Stories,’ Stephen Jay Gould argued in 1978, that a lack of hard evidence for them is frequently overlooked.”

Amazon Invests in Digital Serial Stories (But There’s a “Third Episode Problem”)

“We have really come across a lot of what we’re calling the third episode problem. It’s a lot easier to write a brilliant first episode of something. In your second episode, you’re continuing that. In the third episode, you realize you have no idea where this is going. It’s a real danger with writing serially.”

Ivan Vasiliev Joins ABT

“American Ballet Theater has recruited Ivan Vasiliev as a principal dancer, … the company said on Monday. Mr. Vasiliev and the ballerina Natalia Osipova created a stir nearly a year ago when they announced they were leaving Moscow’s Bolshoi Ballet for the Mikhailovsky Theater in St. Petersburg.”

Uganda Arrests British Director For Staging Gay-Themed Play

“Producer David Cecil – who faces up to two years in jail if found guilty – was charged Thursday with two counts including one of ‘disobeying lawful orders’.” He was jailed last Thursday and released on bail Monday. “The groundbreaking play – titled The River and The Mountain – was performed at several venues around Kampala last month despite an injunction by Uganda’s government-run media council.”

Battle Over ‘Privatization’ Of Milan’s Pinacoteca Di Brera Museum

“The culture minister Lorenzo Ornaghi said that ‘Brera has been stagnant for the last 40 years’ and the government officially announced plans this week to hand over the museum’s management to the Fondazione La Grande Brera. Milan’s head of culture Stefano Boeri stresses that ‘foundations are not-for-profit’. Critics have condemned the move as ‘privatisation’ and ‘selling off’ Italy’s heritage.”