British Conductor George Hurst Dead At 86

“From 1958 to 1968, he was principal conductor for the BBC Northern Orchestra, and is credited with establishing it on the global stage. The orchestra, based in Salford, is now known as the BBC Philharmonic. … In 1968, he established the Bournemouth Sinfonietta, and acted as artistic advisor to both this orchestra and the Bournemouth Symphony until 1974.”

Can Benjamin Millepied Get World-Class Dance Established In L.A.?

“Not that others haven’t tried” – notably the Joffrey Ballet, which tried to make a go of it at the Music Center in the 1980s (and ended up in Chicago). “Many hope, and some actually believe, that Millepied has the right mix of pedigree, name recognition and fundraising savvy to build a company that can fill theater seats, generate sustained audience interest and, finally, put Los Angeles on the dance map.”

The Tempted Husband, The Crazy Stalker, And That Poor Bunny Rabbit: Fatal Attraction, 25 Years On

“You’d think that a quarter-century later the movie’s melodrama about the dangers of straying would have badly dated. You’d be wrong. Fatal Attraction still expresses our Puritan queasiness about sexual desire much better than the swarm of stalker rip-offs that it has spawned – as well as our insistence on blaming the skank for any threat to marital fidelity.”