The Disney Flop That Inspired Wall Streeters’ Favorite All-Night Game

Midnight Madness “had a disastrous showing at the box office. Then cable channel HBO proceeded to broadcast it constantly, cementing cult status for the film among millions of fans now in their late 30s and 40s.” Now some of those fans stage overnight scavenger hunts based on the film, with teams of players swarming all over Manhattan.

Modernist Violin Concertos (All Hungarian, No Less) Win Gramophone Record Of The Year

“Violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja was named the winner of the prestigious Recording of the Year for her Naïve album of Bartók’s Violin Concerto No 2, Ligeti’s Violin Concerto and the world premiere of Peter Eötvös’s seven, performed with Ensemble Modern and the Hessen Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Eötvös.”

Dallas Morning News Turns To Academia For Its New Arts Critics (A New Model?)

“The benefits here are obvious: Readers get better coverage — both more of it and higher quality — and the paper saves money by not having to hire a professional journalist. It’s the kind of small-bore savings that media bigwigs are talking about when they say improving the health of the news industry will require a lot of small moves at least as much as a few big ones.”

Study: Classical Music Makes Men Think Women Are More Attractive

“Recently published research found a relationship between the type of music used on someone’s personal webpage and whether they are seen as attractive by the opposite sex. Men found women more attractive if classical music was playing in the background, but women found men better-looking if their webpage had a heavy-metal soundtrack.”