History Of English In Words

English has never had its Académie Française, but over the centuries it has not lacked furious defenders against foreign “corruption”. There have been rearguard actions to preserve its “manly” pre-Norman origins, even to reconstruct it along Anglo-Saxon lines: “wheel-saddle” for bicycle, “painlore” for pathology. But the omnivorous beast is rampant still.

Why Britain Isn’t Turning Out New Star Dancers

“On leaving the company, many of those homegrown dancers set up as teachers, feeding a new generation through the schools. That thread – that continuity – is now broken, and the results for British ballet have been catastrophic. A sideways glance at football tells the same story: a national skill-base weakened, possibly beyond repair, by a vast influx of foreign players.It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Detroit Institute Of Art Feels The Fiscal Pain

“Ten months after the Detroit Institute of Arts celebrated the grand opening of its $158-million renovated building and the innovative reinstallation of its permanent collection, the museum’s chronic budget shortfalls — including a $17-million loss in 2008 — have become the top priority at the institution. The DIA’s combined losses have totaled nearly $100 million in the past decade.”