Even The Best Video Store In The Country Is Struggling

“Blockbuster peaked at 9,000 locations globally in 2004, then went through bankruptcy six years later. Sold and reorganized, it’ll be down to 300 by the end of this month… Meanwhile, roughly 36,000 Redbox movie-rental kiosks have metastasized nationwide, charging $1.20 per rental. Netflix is the other main store-killer: unlimited streaming for $8 a month and disc delivery with no late fees for another $8.”

MOOCs Can’t Replace Colleges, But They Can Make Colleges Better

“The basic idea is to use MOOC-style video lectures and other online features as course materials in actual, normal-size college classes. By assigning the lectures as homework, the instructors are free to spend the actual class period answering students’ questions, gauging what they have and haven’t absorbed, and then working with them on projects and assignments.”

Man Booker Prize Expands Eligibility To Writers Worldwide

“At present, the £50,000 ($79,850) prize only considers works by writers from the Commonwealth, Ireland or Zimbabwe. … Announcing the changes in London on Wednesday, the Booker Foundation said: ‘The expanded prize will recognise, celebrate and embrace authors writing in English, whether from Chicago, Sheffield or Shanghai.'”

Why We Can’t Have A Grand, Unified Theory Of Life, The Universe And Everything

“Thinkers in the grip of the Newtonian picture of science want a general basis for general phenomena. Life isn’t like that. Unity fails at both ends. To understand the fundamental processes that go on in living things – mitosis, meiosis, inheritance, development, respiration, digestion and many, many more – you need a vast ensemble of models, differing on a large number of details.”