Smithsonian Director To Step Down

“During his tenure, Wayne Clough appointed 10 new leaders for the Smithsonian institutions, including the National Zoo in Washington, the National Museum of American History, the National Museum of African Art and the National Museum of Natural History. He also saw construction begin on the new National Museum of African American History and Culture, which is scheduled to open in 2015.”

Would It Hurt You To Fake This?

“You’re having a conversation. The other person mentions a name, the name of a book, the name of a person you ought to know the name of, the name of a theory you should have heard of — that’s the implication. And there’s that moment of decision: you could either speak up and say, ‘Oh, I don’t know who you’re making reference to or what you’re talking about,’ … or you could fake it.”

Sergei Filin Appears At Bolshoi For First Time Since Acid Attack

“Bolshoi Theater artistic director Sergei Filin appeared at the theater Tuesday to help kick off its 238th season, nine months after being splashed in the face with acid in an attack that shocked the world. Standing up at the event and looking around wearing protective sunglasses, Filin said he was ‘very happy to see everyone’ before proceeding to talk about the upcoming season and introducing new dancers.”