TV Networks Suffering Sticker Shock

A large factor in the reality TV boom that hit the tube earlier this decade was the relatively low cost of producing such programs. Viewers tired quickly of the endlessly imitative shows, however, and the major networks are now once again producing original dramatic fare. But are the production costs of the new shows spinning out of control?

Enough With The “Next Jackie” Nonsense

“Natalie Clein is a long-haired, good-looking English cellist with wide-open eyes and a winning smile.” And yes, she knows what you’re thinking, and she appreciates the comparison and all, but she’s really not trying to be the new Jacqueline duPre. Norman Lebrecht says that it’s time to stop such silly attempts to recapture the magical moments of the past, and embrace new young artists on their own merits.

What We Didn’t Say About Pavarotti

When Luciano Pavarotti died last month, eulogists and obituary writers the world over wrote of his singularly incomparable voice, and of his superstar status in an age when classical musicians are relegated to general obscurity. “And yet … and yet … This most beautiful tenor voice in living memory seemed gradually to lose its bearings… Before his death, he said repeatedly that he wanted to be remembered as an opera singer, but that was the profession he seemed to have betrayed.”

Wild About George!

“Enescu is Romania’s most famous composer. Actually, he is its only famous composer. As the 18th George Enescu international festival sweeps the capital, his face stares out from billboards everywhere. Hotel corridors resound to the sound of violinists practising. By the time the three-week festival closes this weekend, 3,000 musicians will have passed through the city.”