Performers With Disabilities Fight The Stereotypes

“Patronising attitudes and cliches abound: disabled people are brave, struggling to overcome adversity, morally unblemished, devoid of sexuality. Add disability to the list and the fog of preconception becomes that little bit thicker. Are you seen first and foremost as a professional performer or that plucky man with cerebral palsy, that amazing dancer with Down Syndrome or the girl in the wheelchair who sings?”

Budapest Festival Orchestra – An Orchestra Organized Like No Other

“The whole philosophy is different from any other orchestra I know. There is no job security, no union, and no limits to how much we can rehearse and work.” It sounds, frankly, bonkers. What performer would sign up for a musical life of deregulated working conditions, in which the conductor – usually Fischer himself – can insist on whatever hours he chooses? Well, about a hundred of Hungary’s finest musicians, it turns out.”