Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.19.17

Evaluating Engagement: Outcomes
Evaluation of any kind is a challenge for nonprofit organizations generally and for nonprofit arts organizations in particular. Resource constraints and focus on mission, sometimes at the expense of critical management issues, make evaluation … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2017-09-19

The Maltese Icon–No, Not That One
If you’re an art-lover (and writer) headed toward Malta, as I was last June, the first artwork that comes to mind is Caravaggio’s masterpiece in the Valetta cathedral, The Beheading of St John the Baptist. … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2017-09-19


Banksy Makes Graffiti Satirizing Barbican’s Basquiat Show, And Barbican Wants To Keep It

“The Barbican Centre is ‘in discussion’ with the City of London Corporation about how to preserve the two murals by the British street artist Banksy that appeared near the gallerySunday. The works pay homage to Jean-Michel Basquiat, who was originally a graffiti artist and is the subject of a major show opening at the Barbican this week–almost 30 years after he died.”