How India’s Middle Class Revived Its Classical Music

“The relationship the middle class had with north Indian classical music from the mid-19th century onward was hardly lacking in ambivalence. It was identified with the prostitutes’ quarters, and with the bazaar, where its most accomplished practitioners were reportedly found. … By the time the middle class began to show a grudging but genuine curiosity, it had become, by the new standards of 19th-century India, disreputable, and had to, in a sense, be Vedantaised.”

The Hobbit: It’s Not Just For Kids (As Hollywood Clearly Knows)

“Bilbo’s story is much more than just the development of an unlikely and reluctant hero. His Baggins side, which looks at times like mere parochialism and timidity, doesn’t fade and disappear as he adjusts to the world of adventure. Instead, Tolkien maintains the balance between these two aspects of Bilbo’s character, showing how they mature into courage and wisdom.”