How The National Symphony’s New Music Director Got Through What Should Have Been, But Wasn’t, The Busiest Summer Of His Career

“He and his wife called a taxi to get him to his orchestra engagement. But when the taxi pulled up to deliver him to the theater, he couldn’t get out of the car. He had to be taken away by ambulance. ‘You have to be operated on within 72 hours,’ the doctor told him.” Anne Midgette writes about how Gianandrea Noseda coped with an enforced 50-day break due to a herniated disc.

Documenta 2017 Was An Unprecedented Success Despite Huge Costs In Athens, Say Officials

The mayor of the German city of Kassel, which hosts and helps fund Documenta, acknowledged that this year’s unprecedented €7 million deficit was the result of extending the show to Athens. (This was the first time Documenta had taken place in any other city.) Even so, the organizers argued that, with total attendance of more than 1 million, this year’s Documenta was the most visited contemporary art exhibition of all time.

David Shepherd, 86, Artist Whose Wildlife Paintings Helped Raise Millions For Conservation

“He liked to say, with the false modesty that is permitted to great successes, that his career was a series of disasters. As well as his failure to enter art school, he failed to make the grade in his first choice of career, as a game warden in Africa. His second choice was to work on the buses. Before he embarked on this, however, he put his artistic ambition and love of African wildlife together, to create the singular success by which he is known.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 09.21.17

Guest Columnist: Ken Burns’ Vietnam
Much of the nation has been debating the latest Ken Burns documentary, which I – the son of a Marine officer nearly killed in 1967 – have not yet had the stomach to watch. … read more
AJBlog: CultureCrash Published 2017-09-21

Upstairs & Downstairs at the Royal National Theatre
It’s said … that the auditorium of the 1,100-seat Olivier Theatre (upstairs at the Royal National Theatre) is modelled on the amphitheatre at Epidaurus. … read more
>AJBlog: Plain English Published 2017-09-21

Pete Turner, Eminent Jazz Photographer, Dies
Pete Turner, the photographer whose work became cover art for dozens of memorable jazz albums, has died at 83. … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2017-09-21


Does Philly Need Yet Another Performing Arts Venue? Actually, It Can Use This One

“The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts has started work on a 277-seat hall that, in addition to being a venue for PAFA’s own activities, will host concerts, lectures, and other events by PAFA’s partner arts groups … and will be offered as a rental space to others seeking a small state-of-the-art venue.” Peter Dobrin talks to people with several organizations who believe that there’s an empty niche for a hall that size.