Eking Out Theatre In A Multi-Media World

“Dire pronouncements about the moribund state of the American theater have been made for decades but, like the formerly remote concept of global warming, there is every indication that its demise has finally come. The audience for ‘serious’ theater (straight plays) is dwindling. The subscriber base — the life force of not-for-profit theaters for half a century — is literally dying, and the next generation is not filling their seats.”

Defining Yourself Through TV

“It’s a rich television age and a demanding one. The selection is now so plentiful and fragmented and good. And deciding among hundreds of channels, on-demand options, DVR, Internet streaming and iPhones requires so much research, planning and commitment that viewers have become proprietary about their choices.”

Your Faith In Music…

“Does simple music form simple faith, arguably the best kind? Has the Dark One used great musical art to his advantage? Sophisticated music that doesn’t reach out directly to its listeners — that doesn’t depend on their response — bears the seeds of its eventual irrelevance. One reason classical music struggles as it does today lies with the several generations of composers in the last century who demanded that audiences understand them rather than the other way around.”

Internet Radio On The Edge

Some 55 million people listen to internet radio each week, a 26 percent jump from 2006. “For those who remember the heyday of the D.J. as a cultural curator, it’s a return to a past where the airwaves were filled with personalities who mattered as much as the tunes they were spinning. But there is a shadow looming over this renaissance.”