Why Did The Australian Broadcasting Corp. Abruptly Fire Its Managing Director?

The board’s announcement that Michelle Guthrie was out said only “The decision follows discussions over several months that concluded when directors resolved that it was not in the best interests of the ABC for Ms Guthrie to continue to lead the organisation.” Media journalist David Tiley “make[s] an op-ed stab at the issues behind this.”

Is AI Fueling A New Art Movement?

In order to get their algorithm to produce a legitimately classical-looking portrait, Obvious’s members say they fed it a training data set of more than 15,000 portraits created between the 14th and 20th centuries. Using these images, the algorithm was able to “generate” new images similar to the ones it had been fed. These new portraits were then presented to another algorithm (the “adversarial” part of the GAN acronym) that was trained to distinguish between images produced by humans versus those by machines—a Turing-like test for artworks—until the generated portraits could fool this discriminator into thinking they were “real,” too. Since the announcement, many in the traditional art world have been losing their minds over this new movement, which Obvious has christened “GAN-ism.” But other artists making work via AI think the hype about what the technology can do on its own is premature.

‘We Acknowledge Our Failures’: New York Review Of Books Issues Statement On Jian Ghomeshi Essay

“On Monday, in the magazine’s first statement discussing [now-former editor Ian Buruma’s] departure, it described the “considerable concern” over the essay among readers, adding, ‘We acknowledge the validity of this criticism.’ … While citing Mr. Ghomeshi’s free-speech rights, the magazine described ‘our failures in the presentation and editing’ of the essay” — in particular, departures from usual editing practices and the bypassing of most editorial staff.

Artist Conks Marina Abramović On The Head With Portrait Of Her That He Painted

Abramović was just leaving a book-signing at the Palazzo Strozzi in Florence when Vaclav Pisvejc approached her with a framed portrait he painted of her. She thought he was bringing her a present; instead, he lifted it high, smashed it over her head, and said, “Boom!” When Abramović, unhurt (there was no glass over the frame) asked Pisvejc why he would do this, he replied, “I had to do it for my art.” (includes video)

Museum Director Resigns, Alleging Censorship Of Mapplethorpe Exhibit In Portugal

When the show opened at the Serralves Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art in Porto last week, 20 of the 179 works intended for display were mot on view. “One day after the opening, on Friday, João Ribas, the museum’s artistic director, announced his resignation, and an open letter has circulated accusing the institution of censorship. The Mapplethorpe Foundation, in response, has pushed back against that claim.”

Will Macron’s Culture-Pass App Really Entice Young French People To The Arts?

The program, which lets users swipe left or right, Tinder-style, on listed events and comes with a €500 credit for a user’s 18th birthday, is being beta-tested in a few locales this fall and will be rolled out nationwide next year. Can it work as planned, or are the potential pitfalls too great? Two contributors, a cultural historian and an art journalist, weigh in.