In Philadelphia, The Arts Have An Even Bigger Economic Impact Than You Think

“Arts and cultural organizations have a multibillion-dollar impact on the Philadelphia region’s economy, and are among the nation’s most productive in creation of jobs and stirring up economic activity. Only those in the Washington area generate more per-capita expenditures, and in terms of jobs, no region comes close to Southeastern Pennsylvania.”

Warfare And Altruism: Flip Sides Of The Same Human Instinct?

“Other animals fight over limited resources and desirable mates, but humans fight for both biological and cultural reasons. We alone will go to war to defend our honour and values. … What’s more, conflict seems to be an integral part of our social organisation. … Paradoxically, these antagonistic tendencies may be intimately linked with another, much more noble side of human nature: our unparalleled capacity for large-scale cooperation and altruistic self-sacrifice.”

Doug Varone On Starting His Own Dance Company

“What’s really fascinating is when you are in a dance company for so many years you are taken care of as a dancer. You are told where to go, you are given money to do it, you take your classes and then go to the theater. Your life is laid out for you in a very particular way. So, when I left and began the process of having a group of dancers that worked for me I realized how much of life I had missed as an adult.”

Kent Nagano Named Hamburg’s Next Generalmusikdirector

The rumor was true: Beginning with the 2015-16 season, Nagano will be the music director of the Hamburg State Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra. “This job will keep the 60-year-old Californian in the opera business, and in Germany, after he leaves the Bavarian State Opera in Munich next July.” (He has also just extended his Montreal Symphony contract through 2015-16.)

Why Crowdfunding Is Unlikely To Overturn Traditional Media Power

“Although crowdfunding and crowd investment ventures … are often perceived as level playing fields with no or low entry barriers, it is not only the material capital, but very much also the cultural capital that a project is able to accumulate which determines whether a film receives funding in the first place and, subsequently, reaches a significant audience.”