Another Italian Opera House Loses Its Music Director: Luisotti Leaves Naples

Nicola Luisotti, known in the U.S. as music director of San Francisco Opera, has resigned from the same post at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. Unlike other recent departures, Luisotti’s statement was soft-spoken and cordial, saying only that his other commitments don’t permit him to stay on. Yet things are rarely so simple in Italian opera houses, and two other senior staff members have left recently as well. (in Italian)

Directors Of Florence’s Museums Under Investigation For Abuse Of Office

“Three weeks after handing in her resignation, the superintendent of Florence’s museums, Cristina Acidini, is under investigation by the Italian authorities for abuse of office. Also under investigation are the city’s former superintendent Antonio Paolucci, now the director of the Vatican Museums, and Marco Fossi, another employee in Florence’s soprintendenza (now renamed the Polo Museale).”

Will Quebec Close Its Regional Music And Drama Schools? Not Exactly

The arts community in the province has been up in arms since the leak of a document suggesting that the government planned to close the five regional branches of the Conservatoire de musique et d’art dramatique du Québec, leaving only the schools in Montreal and Quebec City. (The network is running a $14m deficit.) In the face of public pleas and protest concerts, the province’s culture minister has promised that all instruction currently offered will remain available, though the buildings may close. (in French)