Which Eschenbach Will The NSO Be Getting?

The National Symphony’s choice of Christoph Eschenbach to be its next music director puts one of the most polarizing figures in the classical music world at the helm. One Philadelphia critic once said that there were two schools of thought: “those who say Eschenbach is a second-rate conductor now being forced to the top by a vacuum; and another group claiming him as a major talent, long overlooked, now being forced to the top by a vacuum.”

The Dark Side Of Prodigy

Superstar pianist Lang Lang attracts criticism almost as easily as he attracts publicity. And when some critics heard that the 26-year-old was writing a memoir, questions flew over what such a young man could possibly have to write about. As it turns out, though, the pianist has a harrowing personal history to recount…

What’s The Point?

Playwright Tony Kushner was recently awarded $200,000 as one of the most influential figures in American theatre. Terry Teachout wonders what the benefit of handing out cash to talented but established artists is supposed to be. The answer seems to be all about star power, but “in a pop culture, no amount of money is large enough to make an egghead famous, much less the group that gives it to him.”