Ghost Ship Fire Defendants Plead Not Guilty To Manslaughter

Derick Almena, 47, the lead tenant of the Oakland warehouse and leader of its jury-rigging into an artists’ live-work complex, and Max Harris, 27, creative director of the complex and organizer of the party last December where the deadly fire broke out, face 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter. They were arrested in June and remain in jail, with bail at $750,000.

Ghost Ship Warehouse Owner Avoids Criminal Charges, Gets $3.1M Insurance Payout

“Claims Adjusting Group has reserved $3.1 million to pay Chor Ng, who owns the [Oakland] Fruitvale District warehouse and adjacent properties, to cover her basic property loss and liability policy. … However, Ng’s $6 million liability insurance maximum will likely never make its way to the dozens of victims suing her and other agencies for the deadly fire, one insurance expert says.”

A New E-Book Format Designed To Be Read In Web Browser

The platform, designed by the New York studio HAWRAF, “lets users play around with font, text size, line spacing, and background color.” (There’s also a text-to-speech function and a mode with a typeface specially for people with dyslexia.) “When you click on the footnotes, located in tiny typography to the right of the main text, they overtake the main text so you can get a closer look. … A ‘focus mode’ blacks out most of the browser, keeping your wandering eyes from getting distracted.”

When A Starchitect Designs A Major Project He Doesn’t Want You To Notice

David Chipperfield is doing a gut renovation of Berlin’s New National Gallery – designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe – to, as a reporter puts it, “fix problems caused by age, as well as some that have plagued it since birth. … [He wants it] to perform as well as the most modern, assiduously climate-controlled and carefully lit museum – without any visitor noticing that he was ever there.”

The Hidden Museum: Tate St. Ives Doubles Its Space, But Where The Neighbors Can’t See

“In a deft feat of engineering, an almost 600-sq-metre space has been excavated into the hillside, chiselled 15 metres down into the granite bedrock, providing a vast light-flooded chamber for temporary exhibitions that the gallery has sorely needed for years.” Why take all that trouble? Because the residents of the tiny Cornwall town where the gallery is located absolutely hated the original expansion plan.

The Most Popular Theatre In Glasgow Serves Meat Pies And Beer (And No, It’s Not Playing ‘Sweeney Todd’)

“Scarcely past midday on a Monday lunchtime, a full 45 minutes before curtain up, the queue for the box office is already snaking on to the road. Inside Òran Mór, a spacious pub-cum-performance venue in Glasgow’s West End, the line of ticket holders is even longer. They are here for A Play, a Pie and a Pint, a lunchtime series launched by David MacLennan in 2004 and not so much a success as a phenomenon.”