The Buying And Selling Of Family History

“The company’s Instagram and Twitter handles are both still @Madewell1937, and its LinkedIn page says, ‘Madewell was started in 1937 as a workwear company, and we’re always looking to the brand’s roots for inspiration.’ This is, to put it mildly, baloney. Madewell as it stands today has almost nothing at all to do with the company founded by my great-grandfather almost 80 years ago.”

Where Are The Real Debates In The Arts?

“I don’t see a lot of honest debate going on in our field – at least not public debate. Maybe it’s happening somewhere, but it isn’t highly visible and readily apparent to me. I wonder if that kind of challenging of assumptions and holding people accountable for their positions is going on out of the public window in our organizations – from funders to researchers to service groups to academia. I wonder if the kind of serious debate that is healthy for arriving at well thought out conclusions on which to base decision making is happening behind closed doors – because I don’t see it happening much in our public arenas.”

No, Practice Doesn’t Make Us Experts (But Here’s Why That’s Okay)

“If we acknowledge that people differ in what they have to contribute, then we have an argument for a society in which all human beings are entitled to a life that includes access to decent housing, health care, and education, simply because they are human. Our abilities might not be identical, and our needs surely differ, but our basic human rights are universal.”