Philadelphia Doesn’t Have To Say Goodbye To Those Thousands Of Sendak Items Forever

“Practically speaking, it doesn’t matter where the Sendak materials live or who owns them. Any exhibition uses only a few dozen items at a time, and loans are common in the world of arts and literature. In theory, if the Rosenbach and the Sendak trustees agreed, a steady stream of Sendak shows could continue to flow through the Rosenbach, and as far as the backstage legal status and residency of the collection goes, the public would be none the wiser.”

If A Japanese Filmmaker Takes Over Iconic U.S. Dreamworks, These Things Are Likely To Happen

“Beyond games featuring DWA characters, SoftBank could also offer DWA video content to its mobile subscribers, according to one investment banker not involved in the deal talks.‎ For DWA, the deal would provide further financial firepower at a time when it has been trying to diversify its business amid disappointing box-office results.‎”

Does The Atlanta Symphony Lockout Have Its Roots In A Tragedy?

“The symphony’s problems arguably go all the way back to 1962, when more than 100 of Atlanta’s leading arts patrons embarked on a museum tour of Europe. Heading home, their plane skidded off a runway in Paris and burst into flames. Atlanta’s then-Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. acknowledged that almost the entirety of his city’s ‘old money’ philanthropic class perished on that plane.”