The Floating Art Fair

It’s a yacht packed with galleries that lands where the collectors are. “Wealthy people in the U.S. have more money than time. This is designed to make it an interesting, easy experience within 15 minutes of their house. Because many art collectors have multiple homes and may visit the yacht at different ports, the ship will operate like a theater with constantly changing productions. Dealers, chefs and menus will change monthly.”

Why A Shrinking Audience Is Killing Good Writing

“What’s not so good is that writers write for whatever audience is left. In too many cases, that audience happens to consist of other writers and would-be writers who are reading the various literary magazines (and The New Yorker, of course, the holy grail of the young fiction writer) not to be entertained but to get an idea of what sells there. And this kind of reading isn’t real reading, the kind where you just can’t wait to find out what happens next. It’s more like copping-a-feel reading. There’s something yucky about it.”

Sorting Bible Archaeology From The Crackpots

“We are living in a time of exciting discoveries in biblical archeology. We are also living in a time of widespread biblical fraud, dubious science, and crackpot theorizing. The tools of modern archeology, from magnetometers to precise excavation methods, offer a growing opportunity to illuminate some of the intriguing mysteries surrounding the Bible, one of the foundations of western civilization. Yet the amateurs are taking in the public’s money to support ventures that offer little chance of furthering the cause of knowledge.”