Playing Medea Can Change You

“A byword for narcissism and violence, she is abandoned by her husband, and lashes out by killing their children. Yet to hear Rachael Stirling talk about the character she is about to play, you’d think Medea was a role model for the smart, modern woman.” Stirling and three other actresses, including Fiona Shaw, talk about how portraying the character messed with their heads.

Broadway Rebecca Is Cancelled, And The Lawyers Get Busy

“A lawyer for the lead producer of the recently canceled Broadway musical Rebecca said on Monday that criminal investigators had interviewed his client, Ben Sprecher, about the murky circumstances surrounding the last-minute loss of $4.5 million in investor financing.” Many other individuals involved in the show have retained attorneys as well.

Alberto Vilar Released On Bail Pending Appeal

“Alberto Vilar and Gary Tanaka, the technology investors convicted of stealing from clients in 2008, were ordered released from prison on bail while a federal court considers their appeal.” Vilar was known for his very high-profile financial support of opera as well as other causes, though many of his pledged donations during the ’00s went unfulfilled.