Why Is The Music Business Broken? It’s Not Trying To Sell Music

“The old music industry may have had a lot wrong with it, but at least it was clear how everyone in the food chain — the artist, record label, music distributor and physical retail stores — could stay in business. The music had to be created, recorded, manufactured, distributed into stores and… SOLD. Not so in the new music industry.”

George Steel On Trying To Save NY City Opera: “It Almost Worked!”

“When I arrived in 2009, the … $30 million budget included $16 million of income that just wasn’t there. There really wasn’t enough money to do five operas at Lincoln Center. So we had two options: Close, or do something radical to save the company. And it almost worked! It gave us two more full seasons and two balanced budgets. Our first season away from Lincoln Center we sold every ticket to every show.”

Want To Convince Someone You’re Telling The Truth? Don’t Look Her In The Eye

Recent studies “indicate that not only does looking someone in the eye not convince them, it may actually harm your case. Eye contact, especially if someone is predisposed to disagree with you and you’re pushing them to look you back, is not persuasive at all. (This might be helpful to understand as we navigate out of the government shutdown …)”

Theatre Critics Are Thin-Skinned, Nervous And Overly Gentle, Says Theatre Exec

Nica Burns of Britain’s Nimax Theatres: “I do think critics tend to live in a bubble of their own. They are often very thinskinned and slightly nervous about the reaction they may find from those they criticise, and are actually far more gentle people than we actually need to have because we [the industry] do accept that [criticism] as part of the process.”