Chicago Is A Great Theatre Town. What It Needs Is Producers

“We felt like if we could prove that taking a show from a nonprofit, just like they do in New York, capitalizing it, enhancing it, bringing it to a larger space–if we could prove that you can do that and make money, maybe we could start that kind of community here in Chicago. And since nobody was doing it, it felt like a really good opportunity.”

How The Stagehands Union Is Bleeding New York Arts Organizations Like Carnegie Hall

“For over a century, Local One has been collective-bargaining the life out of New York’s performing arts. Just how much does this union of carpenters, electricians and prop masters bleed from city arts organizations? Carnegie Hall’s tax returns for its 2010 season, its most recent publicly available records, suggest an answer.”

How The Normal Heart Has Changed Over Three Decades

Simon Levy, director of a new production at L.A.’s Fountain Theatre: “In the mid-’80s, it was completely agitprop. It was all about anger, about the city’s lack of response, the government’s lack of response. It was all about getting our voices heard. It’s been 30 years; people now look at the play and go, ‘Oh my God, this is a really good play’.”