How Garth Fagan Makes His Dances

“Fagan’s blend of Afro-Caribbean and modern dance is technically challenging, requiring changes in rhythms and speed. … But Fagan’s choreographic process begins in silence, when he has the dancers learn the movement and rhythms. ‘They learn the parts of the body that they should and shouldn’t use,’ added Fagan, ‘then I bring the music and their eyes light up.'”

Satanist Coloring Books Aren’t Being Distributed In Florida Schools After All

After a Christian group was twice allowed to distribute Bibles in Orange County public high schools, the Satanic Temple – last heard from with an idea for the Oklahoma state capitol – suggested that they should be permitted to give out The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities there. Several news outlets reported that permission had been granted (which led to the predictable protests), but it ain’t so.

Facebook Will Never Stop Manipulating Us

“Facebook has every reason to manipulate the News Feed to optimize for whatever user engagement metrics correspond to the best returns for advertisers, which in turn correspond to the best returns for Facebook. And it has every reason to use other experiments in an effort to improve other parts of its operation.”