Everybody Loves Mediocrity

Scotland’s Really Terrible Orchestra, which is made up of hapless amateurs and has gained quite a following on the internet, is actually mounting an international tour next year. The RTO will appear in New York next April, on the heels of a sold-out performance in London this year.

The Adams Ethos

Composer John Adams is just out with a new autobiography, which in addition to telling his life story, gets into the subject of how he came to develop such a distinctive, recognizable sound. “I felt that I could take [an existing musical] language — somewhat in the same way, let’s say, that Picasso took cubism and used it as a jumping-off point for an expression that was much more varied and much more dramatic.”

NYC Opera Lays Off Staff Amid Fiscal, Mgmt Concerns

“New York City Opera has laid off 11 members of its administrative staff because of financial pressures and a lack of work caused by the cancellation of most of its season… The layoffs follow other turbulence, including a quixotic bid by the general manager-designate, Gerard Mortier, to take over the Bayreuth Festival in Germany, which surprised board members. City Opera faces a deficit of up to $15 million.”

At Long Last, Philly Becomes Dutoit’s Orchestra

Charles Dutoit has conducted the Philadelphia Orchestra hundreds of times, and this fall, with the venerable band still lacking a music director to replace Christoph Eschenbach, he becomes the de facto artistic leader of the organization. “He arrives not merely as conservator but as active restorer, with a stated purpose of initiating the orchestra’s newest members, who might not have been born in 1980 when [Eugene] Ormandy finished his sound-building days.”