Why Creative People Tend To Be Lonely

it’s not that creative people are simply hopeless at relationships — or at least it’s not only that. “When you read the big headlines about creativity, it’s touted as the golden key to success for businesses, whether it’s small entrepreneurial ventures or the big behemoths. But there’s a cost, and the cost is that because you’re so infatuated by the limitless potential or ideas at the beginning of development . . . you’ve chewed up a lot of brain space.”

Times Square, New York City’s Id – And Right Now That Id Is Getting Weird

“Throughout New York’s history, Times Square has served as a bellwether of … perceptions of the city, both for those who live here and those who don’t.” High glamour in the 1920s, bawdy burlesque in the ’30s, grime grit and vice in the ’70s, cleaned-up and “Disneyfied” through the ’90s and ’00s. And in 2015? Cartoon characters and topless women in body paint hustling endless hordes of tourists for selfies (and tips), and those tourists taking pictures of the selfies they just took, transmitted onto a billboard.

St. Ann’s Warehouse Gets A Permanent Home

“The pliancy of the space was essential to Ms. Feldman — keeping the Civil War-era warehouse wide open, using curtains to adjust the stage into different shapes and sizes. ‘We wanted to recreate that same flexibility that seemed to be the thing that made St. Ann’s useful for the last 36 years in New York,’ Ms. Feldman said.”