Why We Fall in Love – and Why Frustration Is Necessary for Satisfaction

“To fall in love is to be reminded of a frustration that you didn’t know you had … you wanted someone, you felt deprived of something, and then it seems to be there. … It is as if, oddly, you were waiting for someone but you didn’t know who they were until they arrived. Whether or not you were aware that there was something missing in your life, you will be when you meet the person you want.”

Neuroscience Alone Can’t Explain What Art Is And Why Humans Make It

Alva Noë: “The problem is that neuroscience has yet to frame an adequate conception of our nature. You look in vain in the writings of neuroscientists for satisfying accounts of experience or consciousness. For this reason, I believe, we can’t use neuroscience to explain art and its place in our lives. Indeed, if I am right, the order of explanation may go in the other direction: Art can help us frame a better picture of our human nature.”

Duke University Gets $25 Million Donation For New Arts Center

“Duke University is expanding its arts programs with a new building and a $25 million gift from David Rubenstein, chairman of the university’s Board of Trustees and a nationally known arts benefactor.” The 71,000-square-foot arts center “will include a dance studio along with a dozen multi-use studios, a 200-seat performance theater, a 100-seat film theater, a garden, lounge, library, reception space, a painting studio, offices and classrooms.”

Stuff Happens – And The Words We Choose To Talk About It Matter

“Psychologists and linguists have long been interested in the extent to which language affects thought, including whether and how different ways of communicating similar information can influence subsequent thinking. If Bush tells us that ‘stuff happens’ (rather than, say, that ‘people use guns to commit atrocities’), are we less inclined to seek stricter gun control? … The research to date suggests the answer is ‘yes’.”