Omaha Loses A 123-Year-Old Concert Series

“Founded in 1892, one year after Carnegie Hall opened and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra performed its first concert, the series has overcome economic ups and downs and the vicissitudes of public taste to become one of the oldest and most storied classical institutions in the country. But after 123 years, declining ticket sales and a lack of fresh leadership have forced Tuesday Musical to shut down.”

Death Of A Legendary Literary Agent Puts Agency In Turmoil

“For many observers, this Catch-22 is the fittingly complex legacy of a woman nicknamed La Mamá Grande for her ferocious protection of her authors — she used to set up some of her most promising authors in Barcelona apartments, paying them salaries so they could write full-time — and her sometimes grandiose, “après moi, le déluge” style. Her agency was as much a cult of personality as an institution.”

A Smarter Conversation About Video Games And Behavior

“Sure, Jack Thompson–like figures are on the wane – it’s increasingly uncommon for broad, radical arguments linking video games to real-world violent behavior to be taken seriously. But there’s still a lot of scaremongering, and it’s not just occurring on hyperventilating cable news. … Its clearly time for more complex theories about how this multi-billion-dollar industry affects those who partake in its wares.” Here are a few ideas.

Left At Altar By Corcoran, Univ. Of Maryland Has New Partner In The Arts (And Not Just Painting)

“The collaboration will create the University of Maryland Center for Art and Knowledge at the Phillips Collection and launch joint programs in art, music, research and technology. Eventually, there will be a new gallery and open storage facility bearing the Phillips Collection’s name on or near the university’s College Park campus in Prince George’s County.”

Top Posts From AJBlogs 10.05.15

What are the qualities of a strong arts leader?
This is perhaps the most important question as you think about your own career path in the arts. What does success look like for you? What do you need to get there? Everyone will have their own definition. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-05

Designing Your Life
Bill Burnett shares his thoughts on one of the toughest questions we all face in life: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Burnett believes that “the notion that you need to have a passion and follow it is a destructive idea” and that by using design-thinking principles, … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-05

A Career Path Matrix
Bill Barnett shares an easy to implement matrix that can help you determine where your personal objectives are best met when it comes to making career decisions. Matrices are not new tools, … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-05

Moon Shot: Charting Your Path
A career in the arts. Some (parents) might say that’s an oxymoron. But, if you’re reading this, it’s likely the path you are on. There is, however, a way to navigate the path and perhaps even put the skeptics at ease. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-04

Tweets in search of a context: the great acceleration
I have yet to see Best of Enemies, the film documentary on the William F. Buckley, Jr.-Gore Vidal TV debates, originally telecast by ABC in 1968, about which acres of windy prose  … read more
AJBlog: About Last Night Published 2015-10-05

Fall Photo Plus Video & Monday Recommendation: Scott Robinson
Returning from a weekend reunion of classmates, I drove through the Cascade Mountains as the deciduous trees on Blewett Pass were beginning their glorious fall display … which inspired thoughts of this: Now Comes The Recommendation … read more
AJBlog: RiffTides Published 2015-10-05

More Perfect Union (than with Corcoran): University of Maryland & Phillips Collection Tie the Knot
It seems that Wallace Loh, president of the University of Maryland (UMD), never got over his desire to form a far-reaching partnership with a Washington, D.C., art museum. Change the partner from the (now dismantled) Corcoran … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-10-05

Marian Seldes observed that one of the great problems of being an actor was accepting, or coming to terms with the inevitable rejection in auditioning for roles each year. Along with artistic capacity … read more
AJBlog: PianoMorphosis Published 2015-10-05
