Choreographer David Dorfman, Transformed

“In 2007, Mr. Dorfman weathered a serious car accident near New London, Conn … It was the end of a long day (and, at around 1:30 a.m., the beginning of another); about 15 minutes from home, Mr. Dorfman fell asleep at the wheel. ‘I was so unbelievably lucky,’ he said. ‘So I’ve just had, as trite as this may seem, I’ve had this appreciation for every heartbeat, every moment.'”

Cross-Cultural Kink: Who Gets To Decide What’s Sexually Perverted?

Jesse Bering: “We W.E.I.R.D. people (the anthropologist Joe Henrich’s apt acronym for ‘Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic’) often assume a false obviousness along these lines of harm and consent that, interestingly enough, simply isn’t there. Scientists have found that since we would be harmed by a certain sex act, we presume others would be harmed as well.”