Updating Shakespeare’s Language? They Used To Do It All The Time

“For poets, playwrights, editors, and actors from the seventeenth century through much of the nineteenth, Shakespeare’s language wasn’t intoxicating so much as intoxicated: it needed a sobering intervention. … Shakespeare’s script was the first problem that a production had to remedy. … So what changed? How did Shakespeare’s original texts regain their popularity?”

Iran Threatens To Boycott World’s Largest Book Fair Because Salman Rushdie Is Speaking There

Said the Islamic Republic’s deputy minister for culture and Islamic guidance, “This has been organised by the Frankfurt book fair and crosses one of our political system’s red lines. We consider this move as anti-cultural. Imam Khomeini’s fatwa on this issue is reflective of our religion and it will never fade away. We urge organisers to cancel his address.”

Lost Materials From 1877 Premiere Of ‘Swan Lake’ Discovered At Bolshoi

“Most modern productions of Swan Lake are derived from the 1895 staging at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov, which had its premiere after Tchaikovsky’s death and for which Tchaikovsky’s score was drastically reordered and rearranged by Riccardo Drigo. The original 1877 Bolshoi Swan Lake … has been more of a cipher to posterity.” Until now.

Top Posts From AJBlogs 10.06.15

Business Model You
Produced by the same team that created the tried and true Business Model Canvas, this book uses the same canvas as a space for you to map your personal business model and professional identity. … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-06

A Map of Your Mind
You might have used a mind map to sort ideas you’ve brainstormed about a project or create an outline of a specific topic you are researching, but have you ever used this tool to map your own career path? … read more
AJBlog: Field Notes Published 2015-10-06

National Academy Update (plus: details on its shaky financials)
The “update” is that there is no update.  … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2015-10-06

A Tragedy Averted
General Director Kasper Holten’s statement that the new sound system at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden will never be used to amplify singers could not be more welcome.  … read more
AJBlog: OperaSleuth Published 2015-10-06

You Can Help Stop Cultural Destruction: Chartres Chapter
Universally recognized as a masterpiece of cultural heritage – inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1979 – the Cathedral of Our Lady in Chartres is under attack by it would-be restorers. Now maybe you can help stop the dreadful makeover … read more
AJBlog: Real Clear Arts Published 2015-10-06
