Bogus Losses In The War On Piracy

The entertainment industry claims that piracy has cost the US economy 750,000 jobs and $200 to $250 billion. “These statistics are brandished like a talisman each time Congress is asked to step up enforcement to protect the ever-beleaguered U.S. content industry. And both, as far as an extended investigation by Ars Technica has been able to determine, are utterly bogus.”

Ten Things Theaters Need to Do Right Now to Save Themselves

Brendan Kiley has a list of urgent suggestions to save the art form from its imminent doom – from the inventive (provide child care, letting the kids play theater games in a rehearsal room while the parents groove to Pinter) to the risky (provide lots of cheap alcohol) to the unlikely (no more Shakespeare). Money quote: “Fringe theater shouldn’t be in the game of ennobling, it should be in the game of debasement.”

LA Phil Establishes Comissioning Fund

“The Los Angeles Philharmonic has created a special new-music fund in honor of Music Director Esa-Pekka Salonen, who steps down after 17 years at the end of the season. The fund will support the commissioning of new work, something Salonen increasingly has brought to the orchestra’s repertoire through the years.”