Atwood On The Credit Crisis

Margaret Atwood seems to have a knack for bringing out new novels just as some catclysmic event in real life makes her book seem all the more immediately relevant. So it should come as no surprise that her latest book, a non-fiction companion to a Toronto lecture series, is called “Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth.”

Will Aging Visionaries Save Us From Ourselves?

It’s a young man’s world, especially in the entrepreneurial arts, but Clive Thompson says that, given the crises we’re currently facing, we would do well to turn our attention to what the venerable figures of the business world are saying. “Young founders hack information; old founders hack atoms. But we’re moving to a world where we need more and more of the latter.”

Design Museum Announces Major Renovation

“Having already finished more than half of the fund-raising, the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum plans to begin work in January on the renovation and expansion of its ornate [Manhattan] mansion. The project is aimed at energizing the Cooper-Hewitt, regarded in recent years as a somewhat sleepy institution, by carving out space for more ambitious shows and the display of works from its permanent collection.”

Remixing Obama/McCain ’08

A trio of artists in Boston is presenting live “remixes” of the presidential debates at the city’s new Institute of Contemporary Art. “For the members of Sosolimited, their remix, called “ReConstitution 2008,” is an act both of political engagement and mischief, examining the language of politics while gently mocking its repetitious nature with a kind of scorecard.”