Can There Be A Weinstein Company Without Harvey Weinstein?

“Without Mr. Weinstein, this studio, already struggling at the box office and hobbled by an exodus of senior staff members in recent years, is in serious trouble. The movie and television company’s other founder and co-chairman, Bob Weinstein, has a substantial track record running Dimension Films, a label dedicated to horror movies and family fare, like the Spy Kids franchise. [David] Glasser, sometimes referred to in Hollywood as the third Weinstein brother, is an experienced executive. But Harvey Weinstein is the one who called – or screamed – the shots, often pushing the company forward by sheer force of will.”

ArtPrize’s 200K Public Grand Prize Goes To Lincoln Portrait Made Of Lincoln Pennies

“ArtPrize Nine [audience] voters gave Battle Creek graphic designer Richard Schlatter the $200,000 Grand Prize for his 12-foot portrait of Abraham Lincoln made from about 24,500 pennies that bear Lincoln’s image. … Schlatter said he decided to create the portrait after he was mesmerized by the various shades of pennies he had accumulated.” (To see all the 2017 ArtPrize category winners, click here.)

A Native American Artist Finds Freedom In Chaos

Jeffrey Gibson says that earlier, “Every studio visit I had turned into me doing Native American Art 101. … People came in with zero to no knowledge. It was simplistic. So I wasn’t developing myself.” But things changed to “a complex cocktail of beauty and ugliness” after he and his husband moved away from Brooklyn, bought an old schoolhouse, and had a child.

After A Huge Pushback From Fans, Marvel Ends Its Relationship With Defense Contractor

Marvel had already canceled its New York Comic Con “activation” event with bombmaker/dronemaker/etc. Northrup Grumman, and now the partnership is over entirely. “Fans immediately called out Marvel for seemingly promoting the military-industrial complex to children, and cited the fact that Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) eventually gave up manufacturing war materials, pointing out that a partnership with a military contractor was antithetical to Stark’s character development.”