Why Don’t Newspapers Make Images Searchable?

“Why does the art that adds so much to the texts published in The New York Times disappear? Why cannot Times simply index the art that it publishes, at least leaving the bibliographic tracings of the work in their newspaper? As they solve the rights problems and publish more art online, why not add “search images” as a option in advanced search?”

Cuba’s Golden Age Of Music Fades With Aging Stars

Many of Cuba’s Golden Age stars are elderly or have died. “From the late 19th century and well into the middle of the 20th, Cuban popular genres, most of them dance music, swept the world: habanera, danzón, son, conga, rumba, mambo, cha-cha. And there’s salsa, which is mostly old Cuban genres reworked for modern tastes. Only American music has had a broader and deeper reach globally.”

Copyright Run Amok

“The organising committee for a certain upcoming sporting event has decided it would be “disproportionate” to prosecute the author of a book called Olympic Mind Games for breach of copy-right. But, under no less than two acts of parliament, it could if it wanted to. In claiming copyright on a word, the organisation dedicated to the promotion of the competition to be held two years into the next decade is both following and extending a dangerous trend.”