Watching Robert Lepage’s Rehearsal Process

“[A] scene is repeated several times before both actor and director are satisfied; meanwhile, a young stage manager, a sprawling plan of the complicated show spread out in front of her, delivers instructions via a PA system. ‘What we’re working out here is which of the 30 characters we should concentrate on,’ Lepage explains. ‘Some we might get rid of. Some take a more relevant place in the show, and gradually, the big shwobble of ideas gets clearer the more we work on it.'”

Why Dorian Gray Is The Right Poster Boy For The Age Of Abercrombie & Fitch

Director Neil Bartlett: “I know exactly what [a hunky model on an A&F billboard] is peddling. It’s the idea that sexual shamelessness – by which I mean not Saturday-night recklessness, but a genuine freedom from shame – is something that you can buy. … [The] diabolical, corrupting contract between beauty and shame is exactly what Wilde is anatomising in Dorian Gray.”