Are You A Multi-Tasker? Oh, Oh…

Study: “They found that heavy multitaskers—those who multitask a lot and feel that it boosts their performance—were actually worse at multitasking than those who like to do a single thing at a time. The frequent multitaskers performed worse because they had more trouble organizing their thoughts and filtering out irrelevant information, and they were slower at switching from one task to another. Ouch.”

The Way Gaudí Worked Was As Unconventional As His (Glorious) Buildings

“Gaudí devised new ways of building, with reusable scaffolding, roofs used as terraces, cement beams and the elimination of supporting walls. For each project, he formed a multidisciplinary team in which he encouraged the collaboration of master craftsmen and apprentices with specialists from other fields: chemists, physicists, astronomers, ceramicists, theologians, philosophers, writers, musicians, politicians and bishops.”

An Interconnected World Needs A Common Language

“In an ideal world, we’d all learn to use one language for science, technology and business, and learn, respect and use others for cultural identity and a sense of community — especially in our polyglot nation. That requires some flexibility in how languages themselves are developed. We need to be more adaptable and sensitive to other cultures as we use language.”

Publishers Simplify, Sanitize For Lucrative Young Reader Market

“Prominent nonfiction writers like Ms. Hillenbrand, Jon Meacham and Rick Atkinson are now grappling with how to handle unsettling or controversial material in their books as they try to win over this impressionable new audience. And these slimmed-down, simplified and sometimes sanitized editions of popular nonfiction titles are fast becoming a vibrant, growing and lucrative niche.”