Cedar Lake, Swimming Against America’s Ballet Tide

“In the US, the dance mainstream has long been dominated by the pure-movement aesthetic of choreographers such as George Balanchine, Merce Cunningham and Mark Morris. Under the artistic directorship of Benoit-Swan Pouffer, however, Cedar Lake began presenting work that was almost entirely from Europe, and from a far more theatrically experimental tradition.”

Free Online Arts Platform The Space Gets Semi-Permanent Funding

“When The Space launched, somewhat gingerly, in May this year, it was intended as a six-month pilot. Over the summer, Arts Council England’s free digital platform, run with the BBC, has carried film and other content tied to [Cultural Olympiad] events around the UK.” Now the Council “is setting aside £8m from a digital fund to support the platform over the next two to three years.”

How To Quell Civil Unrest? In Egypt, Start With Scrubbing The Graffiti

“In the absence of any far-reaching reforms the public space has become, since Morsi’s election, the focus of a wild drive to patch up appearances. Apparently inspired by some unrealistic desire to turn over a completely new leaf, the Muslim Brotherhood is determined to clean up the streets of Egypt, before even beginning to purge the rotten apparatus of state.”