The “Culture” Of Big Data (And What It Doesn’t Mean)

“Operating beyond normal science’s simple accumulation of more information, Big Data is touted as a different sort of knowledge altogether, an Enlightenment for social life reckoned at the scale of masses. As with the similarly inferential sciences like evolutionary psychology and pop-neuroscience, Big Data can be used to give any chosen hypothesis a veneer of science and the unearned authority of numbers.”

A Radical Solution For Amazon: Break Up The Monopoly

“Amazon is the shining representative of a new golden age of monopoly that also includes Google and Walmart. Unlike U.S. Steel, the new behemoths don’t use their barely challenged power to hike up prices. They are, in fact, self-styled servants of the consumer and have ushered in an era of low prices for everything from flat-screen TVs to paper napkins to smart phones.”

Shakespeare As A Model For Cognitive Science

“Traditional approaches to language treated sounds, words, phrases, sentences, and meanings as essentially separable, and choked on language that relied on the multi-level interactions that characterize Shakespeare’s verse. That our brains are continually bombarded by information from all sides, though, is a basic tenet of modern approaches to cognition.”

Report: UK Arts Funding Policy Needs An Overhaul

“Too often there appear to be disguised agendas that benefit a small minority of established, and most commonly London based, arts organisations and a privileged section of the population as a whole,” it states, adding that, with the next general election, an “incoming administration should review the arts council’s remit and the policies and structures for delivering it”.