The Boston Lyric Opera Is Looking For A Good New Home

“Punctuating a week of high drama on the city’s performing-arts scene, Boston Lyric Opera has decided that it will not renew its lease at the Citi Shubert Theatre, its home for nearly two decades. Next fall it will move its productions to a temporary venue, one yet to be announced. This is a seismic development for New England’s largest opera company.”

How LitCrawls Have Made Readings Much – MUCH – Less Boring

“We asked the staff to turn down the music, and they just stared at us and said we needed to talk to the manager, who was not there. There were about five readers, and a cluster of people who wanted to hear them. TV screens were locked on some kind of game, the music was blasting. We were trapped. And then, hats off to the late David Poindexter, publisher of MacAdam, he grabbed a chair and hoisted it over his head, and we all followed him through the bar and out onto the sidewalk.”

If Broadway Saved NY, What Can Theatre Do For Chicago?

“Are there lessons here for Chicago? Sure there are. But it’s worth noting first that what one urban reformer sees as an improvement, another sees as the destruction of an indigenous culture. Riedel barely notes this issue, since the theater owners are the heroes of his story, but if you walk through Times Square today, as I frequently do, it has lost much of its character. “