How Yekaterina Samutsevich Got Her Pussy Riot Conviction Overturned

“The original trial of the punk band, who were sentenced to two years in a penal colony for performing a ‘punk prayer’ against Vladimir Putin in Russia’s main cathedral, was heavily politicised on both sides of the pro-Kremlin and anti-Kremlin divide. … It was a circus of grandiose proportions and with sinister overtones for the defendants and their families. When the appeal hearing came round, Samutsevich probably reasoned that it was time to switch tactics.”

Carolyn Cassady Would Not Read On The Road, She’ll Have You Know

Says Jack Kerouac’s sometime lover and Neal Cassady’s erstwhile wife, now living in an English trailer park (“there is nothing I like about America”), “I didn’t want to read On the Road when it came out in 1957 because I didn’t want to know what Neal was doing with Jack when he left me. And, anyway, it was not my type of literature. I prefer Dickens, Shakespeare and the classics.”