Art Museum Sold To Investors In Beijing (Wait, What?)

The parent company of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) in the Chinese capital was purchased last week by a group of investors. “The museum’s founders, Guy and Myriam Ullens, announced that the UCCA was up for sale in June 2016, fuelling concerns about the future of what has become one of mainland China’s leading private art institutions since it opened in November 2007.”

CEO Of Scotland’s Only Full-Time Acting Company Suddenly Resigns

“Nick Parr has resigned after just two years as chief executive of Dundee Rep, which boasts the country’s only full-time company of actors. He has left with immediate effect less than two months after the Rep’s new artistic director, Andrew Panton, took charge of his first show.” While the company saw revenue rise under Parr, last week a newspaper column argued that morale at the company was sinking due to a perceived change in culture there.

Top Posts From AJBlogs 10.10.17

Excellence and Engagement: I
Advocates for community engagement in the arts often get pushback from people who assume that concern for the interests of our communities necessitates a “lowering of standards.” What follows is my attempt to address the misgivings (legitimate and otherwise) people have … read more
AJBlog: Engaging Matters Published 2017-10-10

New Yorker’s Bad Role Model for Berkshire Museum: NY Historical Society’s “Responsible” Sales
In his well-intentioned but flawed Oct. 4 New Yorker article, “The Lost Masterpieces of Norman Rockwell Country,” Felix Salmon demonstrates more understanding of museum ethics than the leaders of the embattled Berkshire Museum possess. But that’s not quite enough. … read more
AJBlog: CultureGrrl Published 2017-10-10

Lies & Damnable Uncertainty
Two new London theatre productions, The Lie and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, seem to have little in common, save that they are both topics discussed by philosophers. … read more
AJBlog: Plain English Published 2017-10-10