More Movies Skipping Theatres, Going Direct To Video

“Movie distribution today has more in common with carpet bombing than with any carefully thought out marketing strategy. With a movie print costing well north of a grand, hitting 100+ cinemas is a gamble many are unwilling or unprepared to make.” But how to get that review and avoid the stigma of video-only release? “Many movies sidestep the DTV tag by playing in as few cinemas as possible. This provides a chance for the movie to get reviewed as a theatrical release, and justifies shelling out for a celluloid print.”

Hollywood Makes A New Bet On Politics

“Hollywood believes that shows like Saturday Night Live, which has featured Tina Fey’s spot-on impersonations of vice presidential contender Sarah Palin – seen by millions on YouTube – and Jon Stewart’s nightly comedy talk show, have helped make politics sexy and entertaining to Americans who were previously turned off by it. But the big question remains: do Americans really want to be confronted by the issues and wars that define their world and lives?”

Movies For Old People (The Future?)

“I’m trying to envision what kinds of movies we’ll see as the largest population bulge in human history starts to age. Surely someone is ready to step up and serve this enormous demographic? Movie-makers’ prime targets are pubescent suburban boys with hard-ons and paper-rounds, but these oldsters have the last half-decent pensions and retirement-plans left, and thus a lot more money to spend on movies than their striving juniors.”