The Year We Obsessed Over Identity

“[We’re] in the midst of a great cultural identity migration. Gender roles are merging. Races are being shed. In the last six years or so, but especially in 2015, we’ve been made to see how trans and bi and poly-ambi-omni- we are. … There’s a sense of fluidity and permissiveness and a smashing of binaries. We’re all becoming one another. Well, we are. And we’re not.”

Composer Peter Maxwell Davies Says His Cancer Has Returned – And He Completed An Opera Despite The Chemo

In 2013, he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia and given roughly six weeks to live, but successfully completed his treatment and continued to work. Late this summer, he learned that the cancer had returned. Despite the difficulties of chemotherapy, Davies finished work on the score of a new children’s opera to be conducted by Simon Rattle.

When Arts Battles Erupt On Wikipedia, MoMA Is There To Calm (And Correct) The Waters

“The seven-hour event, devoted to updating Wikipedia entries on topics of Latin American art and culture, included lunch and free child care. Attracting contributors ranging from educators and scholars to an engineer, a banker and a marketer, the gathering would have been unthinkable at a gatekeeper of authority, such as MoMA’s library, just a few years ago, several staff members agreed. But this is becoming the new normal at the museum.”

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