Seattle Art Dealer Sentenced In Enormous Fraud

“Former Seattle art dealer Kurt Lidtke, who was convicted of stealing artworks and still owes victims more than $400,000, left a tangle of deception in his wake that may never fully be unraveled. The scale and duration of his misdeeds are unprecedented in the Northwest art trade and have rattled a community accustomed to doing business on trust and a handshake.”

Turkey’s Robust (And Growing) Book Trade

Turkey has had a rough few years literary-wise. But “in terms of its position between east and west, Turkey is expected to be a significant player in the book trade. Book production in the country is currently growing at a rate of 25% a year – 32,750 books were published there last year, up from 9,491 a decade before. The number of Turkish publishers has also doubled since 2000, now standing at more than 1,700.”

Curtis Delays Expansion Proposal

“The Curtis Institute of Music yesterday asked the Philadelphia Historical Commission for a delay in considering a proposal to demolish all or part of several buildings on the 1600 block of Locust Street to make way for an expansion of the school.” The plan has caused controversy among preservationists.

With Donor Leaving, Whitney To Close Branch Museum

The donor, Altria (formerly Philip Morris) is leaving New York. The company “has spent an estimated $12.5 million running the branch museum, according to officials at both the Whitney and Altria.” The Whitney has had a number of branches over the years, all of which are now closed. “It has been fabulous, but the branch museums are a thing of the past. They’ve pretty much run their course.”