Is Google Making Us All Dumber? The Neuroscience Of Search Engines

“Google is known as a search engine, yet there is barely any searching involved anymore. The gap between a question crystallizing in your mind and an answer appearing at the top of your screen is shrinking all the time. As a consequence, our ability to ask questions is atrophying.” Says Google’s head of search, “The more accurate the machine gets, the lazier the questions become.”

Ángel Corella Brings A New Atmosphere To Pennsylvania Ballet

“‘Keep your elbows lifted, even when your arms are crossed over your chest – as though you’re in a bar, having a drink.’ So said the Pennsylvania Ballet’s new artistic director as he taught a recent company class in preparation for the dancers’ debut under his leadership this week. His unexpected suggestion, whimsical but clear, is typical of his style. It achieved the intended result.”

Back When Morocco Was A Haven For Gay And Bisexual Men (Especially Writers)

“The Americans who turned up in the 1950s were escaping from a repressive society where homosexuality was outlawed. In Morocco, attitudes were much more relaxed and, provided they were discreet, Westerners could indulge their desires, without fear of harassment, with a limitless supply of young locals in need of money, and smoke an equally limitless supply of the local cannabis.”