Making Vegetable Soup Becomes Theatre

“During a performance that begins as a monologue, and which slowly and organically develops into a conversation, we all make a vegetarian soup together: cutting vegetables and garlic – lots and lots of garlic – and gradually turning up the heat so that the smells fill the room like memory itself.”

What’s Really Killing Music In Our Culture

“Those who care about the future of the music business ought to spend less time complaining about digital disruptions and expend more energy lifting up the public’s awareness of serious music, because we truly do devalue music when we reduce our most impactful art form to an artifact of celebrity and a lifestyle choice. Complex instrumental music has become marginalized to within an inch of its very existence, and that has a lot to do with industry folk defining “value” in only the way that affects their mailbox money.”

Hating Renoir Is Just A Phase

Peter Schjeldahl: “On the merits of the case, I would have identified with the R.S.A.P. people at a time – a long time; decades – when I had left the first class of people who like Renoir and had yet to join the second. … In the second class of people who like Renoir are those who have stopped fortifying their self-esteem with pride in their sophistication.”

How Does a Casting Director Work?

“Bernie Telsey has been casting hit musicals, films, and TV shows for more than 20 years. [Here he] talks about what he’s looking for in an audition, how diversity has changed on the stage and screen during his time in the business, and how finding talent isn’t necessarily the hardest part of the job.” (audio)