One Way To Get More Diversity On TV Is To Keep On Asking For It

Lucy Liu, Watson on the show ‘Elementary,’ said, “The one thing I’ve learned, and I think everyone can take this away with them, is that a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. … So open your mouth. If somebody says no to you, that’s fine. You’re going to hear no a lot in your life, and that’s just what it is. And somebody’s gonna say yes sometime. So you always have to ask the question.”

Advertising – Television’s Original Sin

“The question of how television fits together with advertising – and whether we should resist that relationship or embrace it – has haunted the medium since its origins. … When people called TV shows garbage, which they did all the time, until recently, commercialism was at the heart of the complaint. Even great TV could never be good art, because it was tainted by definition. It was there to sell.”