Cheesy, Yes, But The Kids Just Love It. Thanks, HSM!

“I went to the theatre last Thursday evening to see a touring musical with no real star names, no West End transfer on the cards, and no long-established fanatical following (all right, I admit it: I was seeing Flashdance). Usually with that kind of show a good crowd would be a three-quarters-full auditorium. This place was packed out. … All became clear as I heard one little girl aged about eight say to her grandmother: ‘So will this be like High School Musical?'”

Is Texting Changing Our Language?

“The texting function of the cell phone ought to have been the special province of the kind of people who figure out how to use the television remote to turn on the toaster: it’s a huge amount of trouble relative to the results. In some respects, texting is a giant leap backward in the science of communication. It’s more efficient than semaphore, maybe, but how much more efficient is it than Morse code?”

Report: Recording Industry Turning The Corner On Piracy?

“Record companies should be able to increase revenues from digital sales amid a crackdown on illegal downloads and file-sharing, according to the report by Entertainment Media Research. Its latest Digital Music Survey, now in its fifth year, suggests that the industry should use growing opportunities to make money out of music online to make up for a long-term decline in CD sales.”