Banksy’s Ex-Dealer Releases Photos Of Installations From Back In Banksy’s Pre-Fame Days

Steve Lazarides also recalls the early days, including the day Banksy strapped a helium-filled sex doll to a McDonald’s-branded balloon and released it into the sky. Many different police officers, he says, saw the stunt, “thought we could do something about this, but 1,000 tourists are going to take our picture and we’re going to look like absolute dicks, so they just drove off.” – HuffPost

Pinterest’s Audience Algorithm Is Awesome. Now It Has To Change

The company’s leaders say they want to map a different route to success in Silicon Valley, one that’s less meteoric and more humane. But in its first year as a public company, it faces a pivotal challenge: How to grow beyond a user base that has historically skewed toward white, suburban women without alienating loyalists, stereotyping newcomers, or potentially allowing for the spread of misinformation and radicalization. – Medium

Another Book Award Changes Its Name (This One Due To A Murder-Suicide)

Originally the James Tiptree Jr. Literary Award was meant to give encouragement to writers with new or creative thinking about gender, but the award’s focus has changed – and now the award name is changing too. “We entered into this discussion as a conversation about how to interpret what happened at the end of Alice and Huntington Sheldon’s lives. … But the responses to our post made us realize that this was in fact a conversation about whose lives and voices we value. And that’s a matter about which there should be no ambiguity.” – Tiptree Award

Ang Lee Just Can’t Quit His High Frame-Rate Obsession

Uh-oh, Ang Lee, what happened to you? “If you’re wondering why a filmmaker as good as Ang Lee couldn’t, in this case, see the forest for the schlock, the answer may be that Gemini Man, which was shot at 120 frames per second, indicates that he’s become an apostle of technology first and a filmmaker second. He’s been to the mountaintop and has seen the light of high frame rate. He wanted a big dazzling action movie to hang his new world on, and he found one.” – Variety

The Hollywood Of Utah

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is making a lot of movies and TV in Utah. “This year, BYU Broadcasting, which owns BYUtv, is in production on 25 shows including TV movies, scripted dramas, reality shows, religious content and a cooking show. It is staffed by 158 full time employees, more than 200 students who work part time, and a small army of freelancers who operate in just about every job, from directors and producers to grips and production assistants.” – The New York Times