Just In Time: Arts Grants To Meet New Business Challenges

“The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Nonprofit Finance Fund will hand out $15.1 million to 10 performing arts nonprofits to fund the exploration of new business practices and models. Gotham’s Wooster Group, Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theater and Los Angeles’ Center Theater Group are among the orgs to receive coin during the five-year program, called ‘Leading for the Future: Innovative Support for Artistic Excellence.'”

Christopher Buckley Says He’s Been ‘Fatwahed’

The son of ur-conservative William F. Buckley has resigned his freelance gig with the magazine his father founded, National Review, after publishing (elsewhere) a column endorsing Barack Obama and receiving a ferocious backlash. “In fact, the only thing the Right can’t quite decide is whether I should be boiled in oil or just put up against the wall and shot. Lethal injection would be too painless.”

The Ten Types of Booker Prize Winner

The Guardian‘s blog breaks down the 40 years of the award into such categories as “the literary ‘Long Service Good Conduct’ medal,” “This is Britain’s premier fiction prize, but let’s show how ‘post-British’ we are,” “A Star Is Born” and “Let’s give it to a f***ing good f***ing novel that isn’t afraid to use the word f***.” Where does this year’s victor fall?